Suede Napa Care Kit SN3

Leather Doctor®

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Product Overview

Suede Napa Care - Kit-Sn3 by Leather Doctor is an innovative suede-safe (pH 3 - 5) system formulated for keeping suede at their highest level of appearance, maintaining its pH chemistry integrity, enhancing their suppleness and prevents premature ageing. Napa suede is soft napped surface with the reverse side as smooth leather, primarily from lamb, although small animal like goat, calf and deer are commonly used. Suede that faced the sun, closed to fireplace or heaters dries out its fat and oil that keeps it supple sooner than the non-heat exposed areas. The diminishing of the fat and oil through evaporation results in the suede fibers being stick closer together that results in stiffness and when flexed during used may tear easily. Periodic use of Hydrator-3.3 to plumps the stick together fibers prior to fat and oil replenishing with Fatliquor-5.0 will keep suede supple and strong. Thus, reduce the premature ageing against stiffness and tearing. The surface wear is greatly reduced in preventive care with a rub-resistant Protector-S (scentless) or Protector-S+ (leather-scented) that enhances a non-stick silky-feel to shield against sticky soiling. Periodic cleaning and rinsing with SuedeCleaner-4.5 follows by SuedeRinse-2.3 to body contact areas help reduce greasy soiling build-up. Restorative cleaning or occasional dye stains removal from new blue jeans is accomplished with Prep-4.4 (otherwise use LeatherDyeRemover-7.9 > Acidifier-2.0 system). Note-1: Mentioned products suffix number denotes its pH value in this suede-safe holistic care system. Note-2: To degrease body oil, grease and sweat use Degreaser-2.2 > Acidifier-2.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system with SuedeNapaBrush-2 and LeatherEraser-4 as described in Kit-S5.dr Note-4: Known stains and other problems are removed accordingly with this

Suede (S.n) - Napa Suede Problem Solving Instruction . . .


Suede-Safe System Cycle of Care - Preventive, Routine, Periodic & Restorative . . .

A- Preventive Care:
A non-stick, rub-resistant protection is recommended to be in place before putting the suede to daily use. Protector-S imparts a soft natural silky-feel to the fine napa suede. The non-stick surface shields the suede from sticky soiling thus prolonging the high level of appearance. Rub-resistant ability reduces friction noises that translate into less friction wear. This leather-scented version of Protector-S+ (optional) diffuses a classic leather scent that boost the sensuous suede more appealing to the suede lover. This preventive care is kept in place at each level of routine, periodic or restorative cleaning cycle. A simply spray and brush prolongs the need for cleaning heavy soiling. Protection: Instruction . . . A1- Mist sprays Protector-S/W, brush to distribute evenly, dry brush again when dry to raise the nap and is ready for use.

B- Routine Care:
Routine care includes procedures such as general dust brushing, attending to spots and stains as required especially pH balancing shifting alkaline sweat stains from denaturing the suede. A routine non-stick rub resistant protection after neutralizing rinse helps keep suede in a more attractive and healthy state while preventing premature wears by . . . 1st step- Rinsing: Instruction . . . B1- Spray SuedeRinse-2.3, SuedeNapaBrush-2 brushing at an angle and terry cotton towel extract until it shows clean. 2nd step- Protection: Instruction . . . B2- Mist sprays Protector-S brush to spread evenly, brush again when dry to groom nap and is ready for use.

C- Periodic Care:
Periodic care is recommended before soiling causes damages to the nap. This keeps suede consistently clean and healthy at all times. Body contact areas would require more frequent attention than the unused areas by . . . 1st step- General Cleaning: Instruction . . . C1- Spray SuedeCleaner-4.5 and brush at an angle with SuedeNapaBrush-2; ensuring a uniform application over the entire surfaces a section at a time. C2- Cotton terry towel extract until it shows clean. C3- Remaining residues are spray rinse with SuedeRinse-2.3 and towel extract to a squeaky-clean. C4- Inspect after dry for satisfaction, otherwise repeat cleaning process as necessary or proceed to hydrating. Hydrating is essential to relax and separate the stick together collapsing fibrous structure. Moreover, it is used to check for surface tension from blotchiness prior to fat and oil replenishing by . . . 2nd step- Hydrating: Instruction . . . C5- Spray Hydrator-3.3 to check for an even appearance. Fatliquor (fat and oil) evaporates as VOC (volatile organic compound) when temperature rises especially from exposed surfaces. Periodic fatliquoring maintains its structure integrity and pliability thus strengthen these exposed areas from cracking by . . . 3rd step- Fatliquoring: Instruction . . . C6- Spray Fatliquor-5.0 in like manner as Hydrator-3.3 and let dry naturally. C7- Then, repeat application in between drying until saturated. C8- It is left for slow natural drying for extra softness. C9- Surface strays are brush with Hydrator-3.3 to free of sticky residue and let to natural drying. 4th step- Protecting: Instruction . . . C10- Mist sprays Protector-S, spread by brushing, brush again when dry to groom nap and is ready for use.

D- Restorative Care:
This is the ultimate restorative or salvage care system that removes accumulated soiling including aged conditioners. Accumulated soiling that fills nap is often mistaken for wear. Using Prep-4.4 performs restorative cleaning. It works by chemical reaction to emulsify soiling through its penetrating, lubricating and suspending power. Detailing SuedeNapaBrush-2 is recommended to worked into heavily soiled areas sufficiently to avoid excessive agitation that might damage already weaken finishes especially on heavily used areas by . . . 1st step- Restorative Cleaning: Instruction . . . D1- Apply Prep-4.4 and agitate with SuedeNapaBrush-2, ensuring a uniform application over the entire surfaces a section at a time. D2- Allow a dwell time of 10 to 30 minutes or before it dries prior to towel extraction until it shows clean. D3- Sticky residue is removed by SuedeCleaner-4.5 with gentle brush agitation and cotton terry towel extracts until it shows clean. D4- Remaining residues are spray rinse with SuedeRinse-2.3 and towel extracts to a squeaky-clean. D5- Inspection after drying for satisfaction, otherwise repeats cleaning process as necessary or proceed to hydrating. Hydrating is essential to relax and separate the stick together collapsing fibrous structure. Its surfactancy helps check for surface tension of blotchiness prior to fat and oil replenishing. 2nd step- Hydrating: Instruction . . . D6- Spray Hydrator-3.3 to saturate with an even appearance to soften up. D7- Let dwell 10 to 30 minutes and towel extract wick up soiling until it shows clean. Fat and oil replenishing maintains the leather’s structure integrity and pliability thus strengthen these exposed leather from cracking. 3rd step- Fatliquoring: Instruction . . . D8- Spray Fatliquor-5.0 in like manner as Hydrator-3.3 and let dry naturally. D9- Repeat application in-between drying until saturated. D10- It is left for slow natural drying for extra softness. D11- Surface strays are wiped with Hydrator-3.3 to free of sticky residue and leave to slow natural drying for extra softness. 4th step- Finishing: D12-Resurface soiling is once again brush and erase accordingly to lighten up and inspect for satisfaction otherwise repeat relevant steps as necessary. 5th step- Protection: Instruction . . . D13- Mist sprays Protector-S, brush evenly, brush again when dry to set the nap for a “finger writing effect” and is ready for use when dry. 

Frequent Ask Questions on Suede (napa):

1- Suede (napa) Bleeding - How to Stop? 2- Suede (napa) Blotchy - How to Avoid? 3- Suede (napa) Creases and Wrinkles - How to Restore? 4- Suede (napa) Fading - How to Refresh? 5- Suede (napa) Fatliquor Sticky Residue - How to Remove? 6- Suede (napa) Roughness - How to Soften? 7- Suede (napa) Shrinkage - How to Restore? 8- Suede (napa) Stains - How to Remove? 9- Suede (napa) Stiffness - How to Soften? 10- Suede (napa) Tackiness or Sliminess - How to Restore? 11- Suede (Napa) Crushed Nap and Dent Mark - How to Restore?

1- Suede (napa) Bleeding - How to Stop? Suede dye bleeding is common when suede becomes wet and any liquid that has a pH value more than its pH neutral (iso-electric point or pI) of 3 - 5 will cause the dyestuff to bleed profusely when compound with excess dyestuff not adequately fixed or rinsed off. Suede protein fiber is an amphoteric material while the dyestuff constituent is not. Any liquid having a pH value more than 5 will cause the protein fiber to shift ionic negative (-ve) while the ionic negative (-ve) dyestuff remains constant, thus behaving like a magnet “like poles repel” the dyestuff breaks its hydrogen bond and leaches away as bleeding. To stop the bleeding a suede-safe Acidifier-2.0 with a pH value of 2.0 is applied to pH balance the amphoteric suede protein fiber charging it ionic positive (+ve). This pH balancing increases the ionic attraction between the ionic positive (+ve) suede protein fiber and the ionic negative (-ve) dyestuff thus reduces or stops the bleeding. A holistic approach would include a general cleaning with CleanSuede-3.8 > RinseSuede-3.0 system prior to dye bleeding control with Acidifier-2.0 system. When Dye bleeding improves or stop, the suede has to be soften up with Hydrator-3.3 > Fatliquor-5.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system to impart suppleness when dry. Protection is by Protector-S and is finished with a “finger writing effect” with LeatherEraser-4 and SuedeNapaBrush-2. Instruction: 1- General cleaning starts with CleanSuede-3.8 > RinseSuede-3.0 system, otherwise see cleaning system that matches severity of soiling from Suede (S.n) Napa Suede Problem Solving Instruction matrix chart above. 2- Acidifier-2.0 is applied to saturate the thickness of the suede and use a cotton terry towel to extract any soiling until towel shows clean. 3- The suede is again saturated to its thickness and leave to slow drying. 4- When dry re-spray Acidifier-2.0 once more and inspect for dye bleeding with a dry cotton terry towel. 5- Treatment ends when no more dyestuff is transferred, otherwise repeat 2-, 3- and 4- above. 6- A holistic successful dye bleeding treatment include softening its suppleness with Hydrator-3.3 > Fatliquor-5.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system and follows with Protection-S to impart a silky-feel and a “finger writing effect” with SuedeNapaBrush-2 and LeatherEraser-4.

2- Suede (napa) Blotchy - How to Avoid? Blotchy appearance is due tosurface tension that prevents even liquid penetration that result in undesired blotchiness. Surface tension inspection is for even appearance of even absorption rate prior to Fatliquor-5.0 application, otherwise will need a re-cleaning with CleanSuede-3.8 > RinseSuede-3.0 system and re-inspect again for satisfaction. Instruction: 1- The surface to be fatliquored is lightly mist spray with Hydrator-3.3 evenly and brushed with SuedeNapaBrush-2 to break-off surface tension with an even darkening appearance prior to fatliquoring. 2- Fatliquoring with Fatliquor-5.0 continue simultaneously with brushing for an even saturation with repeating each cycle when the water contents evaporates naturally. 3- Surface residue sheen when dry if any is brushed into the suede structure again with spraying Hydrator-3.3 and brushing, converting milky residue to crystal clear. 4- The crystal clear moisture is towel extracted until towel shows dry. 5- When almost dry of up to 25% combine moisture content the suede is stake, stretch or massage to complete dry for desired suppleness.

3- Suede (napa) Creases and Wrinkles - How to Restore? Unnatural wrinkles and creases are suede stiffness due to dryness of its fatliquor (fat and oil) content and subjected to flexing that produces these “coarse breaks”. In most cases tightening up the overstretching fibers and lubricating it with Hydrator-3.3 > Fatliquor-5.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system works. Where the fibers have over worked loose and broken these unnatural creases and wrinkles may not show any improvement at all. Instruction: 1- Standard cleaning starts with CleanSuede-3.8 > RinseSuede-3.0 system, otherwise see cleaning system that matches severity of soiling from Suede (S.n) Napa Suede Problem Solving Instruction matrix chart above. 2- While the suede is cotton terry towel extracted until towel shows clean, it is ready to be hydrated. 3- Hydrator-3.3 is sprayed, brushed and cotton terry towel extracted for an even appearance until towel shows clean again. 4- Depending on the severity of unnatural creases and wrinkles the suede is saturated and cling wrapped or put into a plastic container to control evaporation and leave to dwell for up to 72hrs. 5- During in-between inspection, the suede is towel extracted of resurface soiling until towel shows clean and Hydrator-3.3 top-up until a little moisture oozes out when press between fingers and thumb and continue to dwell to relax any unnatural creases and wrinkles. 6- The final inspection is to work by brushing to restore even softness, towel extract until it shows clean and while still damp proceed to fatliquoring. 7- Fatliquoring is the replenishing of its original fat and oil with each cycle the water contents (5/6 or 83.33%) evaporates until saturated or reach about 14% (fat and oil) content when dry. 8- Any sticky residue that remain on its surface is brushed into the structure with a light spray of Hydrator-3.3 until any milky residue turns crystal clear and leave to slow natural dry. 9- Before it is fully dried, the suede is massaged, staked or stretched for suppleness, restore its “fine break” and brushed to a “finger writing effect.

4- Suede (napa) Fading - How to Refresh? Vat-dyed or aniline dyed suede is subject to sun and UV fading. However, the dormant dyestuff may be activated to refresh with Hydrator-3.3. It will depend on richness of the dormant dyestuff and the dwell time for the hydrator to release the excess dyestuff to resurface. Result may vary from quality of original dyeing process and color saturation. This is done with sufficient hydration and dwell time up to 72hours. The common practice is as follows: Instruction: 1- General cleaning starts with CleanSuede-3.8 > RinseSuede-3.0 system, otherwise see cleaning system that matches severity of soiling from Suede (S.n) Napa Suede Problem Solving Instruction matrix chart above. 2- The thickness of the leather is saturated with Hydrator-3.3 to an optimum level with moistures oozing out when gently pressed between thumb and fingers. 3- It is then cover up with plastic wrapping or in plastic container to control evaporation and let to dwell up to 72 hours for excess dyestuff to resurface. 3- The plastic covering is removed and let to natural dry to observe color improvement. 4- With color refreshing satisfaction, the leather is lightly wet back with Hydrator-3.3 again to relax its structure prior to fatliquoring. 5- Fatliquoring continues and is repeated with each almost drying cycle until saturation and is leave to slow natural drying. 6- Fatliquored dried surface residue is driven into the leather structure by brushing in conjunction with Hydrator-3.3 until milky residue if any turns crystal clear. 7- Surface clear moisture is extract with a cotton towel until towel shows dry. 8- Staking, stretching, massaging or cross flexing one more time before the leather is completely dried for the desired suppleness. 9- Protection-S is applied to impart a silky-feel and a “finger writing effect” with SuedeNapaBrush-2 and LeatherEraser-4.

5- Suede (napa) Fatliquor Sticky Residue - How to Remove? Fatliquor-5.0 (fat and oil content) is essential for suede suppleness, it is meant for its structure, any surface remnants may alter its original surface luster and attracts soiling. Removing fatliquor surface residue is by brushing with SuedeNapaBrush-2 in conjunction with Hydrator-3.3 turning the unwanted milky residue to crystal clear and its done. When almost dry the suede is stack or massaged to dry for extra suppleness. The sequence of steps is as follows . . . Instruction: 1- Lightly mist Hydrator-3.3 on surface remnants and it will turn milky. 2- By brushing it will drive the milky residue into the suede structure. 3- Then extract until towel shows dry. 4- Staking, stretching, massaging or cross flexing one more time before the suede is completely dried for the desired suppleness. 5- Complete it with Protection-S to shield against sticky soiling and impart a silky-feel. 6- Groom it for a “finger writing effect” with SuedeNapaBrush-2 and LeatherEraser-4.

6- Suede (napa) Roughness - How to Soften? Roughness of nap often described as feel like sandpaper is the dryness of its fatliquor (fat and oil content). When the suede is soften up with Fatliquor-5.0 it will return to its original softness with a “finger writing effect”. A holistic nap softening involves matching level of soiling cleaning, prior to softening it and with a final Protector-S to impart a silky-feel for napa suede or Protector-W to impart a waxy-feel for split suede. Instruction: 1- Standard cleaning starts with CleanSuede-3.8 > RinseSuede-3.0 system, otherwise see cleaning system that matches severity of soiling from Suede (S.n) Napa Suede Problem Solving Instruction matrix chart above. 2- While the suede is cotton terry towel extracted until towel shows clean, it is ready to be hydrated. 3- Hydrator-3.3 is sprayed, brushed and cotton terry towel extracted for an even appearance until towel shows clean again. 4- Depending on the severity of nap roughness the suede is saturated and cling wrapped or put into a plastic container to control evaporation and leave to dwell for up to 72hrs. 5- During in-between inspection, the suede is towel extracted of resurface soiling until towel shows clean and Hydrator-3.3 top-up until a little moisture oozes out when press between fingers and thumb and continue to dwell to relax any roughness. 6- The final inspection is to work by brushing to restore softness and towel extract until towel shows clean and while still damp proceed to fatliquoring. 7- Fatliquoring is the replenishing of its original fat and oil with each cycle the water contents (5/6 or 83.33%) evaporates until saturated or reach about 14% (fat and oil) content when dry. 8- Any sticky residue that remain on its surface is brushed into the structure with a light spray of Hydrator-3.3 until any milky residue turns crystal clear and leave to slow natural dry. 9- Before it is fully dried, the suede is again brushed, erased and brushed again to achieve desired softness with a “finger writing effect”.

7- Suede (napa) Shrinkage - How to Restore? Suedeshrinkage is often experience when suede is water damaged in conjunction with fast heat drying from the sun or other heat sources. Another common dry shrinkage is from intense heat of the sun or fireplace. Heat evaporates the fatliquor (fat and oil); the fibers become stick together and the suede shrunk. Fatliquor is the lifeblood of leathers and with deficiency the suede shrunk. Restoration is as follows: Instruction: 1- The thickness of the suede is saturated by Hydrator-3.3 to an optimum level with moisture oozing out when gently pressed between fingers and thumb. 2- The suede is cover up with plastic wrapping to control evaporation and let it dwell up to 72hrs for complete hydration or saturation. 3- When fully hydrated and relaxed it is then manipulate by staking, stretching, massaging or cross flexing the shrinkage to pre-shrunk dimension. 4- With satisfaction and allowing up to 25% combine moisture content or when a cotton dry towel remains dry from extraction and is still damp with Hydrator-3.3, fatliquoring with Fatliquor-5.0 begins. 5- With each cycle of the water content evaporates more is applied until fully saturated or reach its desired 14 percentage when completely dry. 6- The fatliquored suede is left to slow dry and any surface shining residue is driven into the suede structure by brushing in conjunction with Hydrator-3.3 until milky residue if any turns crystal clear. 7- The surface clear moisture is extract with a cotton towel until towel shows dry. 8- Begin staking, stretching, massaging or cross flexing one more time before the leather is completely dried for the desired suppleness. 9- Complete it with Protection-S to shield against sticky soiling and impart a silky-feel. 10- Groom it for a “finger writing effect” with SuedeNapaBrush-2 and LeatherEraser-4.

8- Suede (napa) Stain - How to Remove? In general penetrated suede stains are removed by product penetration, suspension and cotton terry towel extraction. Resurface soiling is further removed by SuedeNapaBrush-2 and LeatherEraser-4 accordingly. And the wet and dry removal process may be repeated till satisfaction. Products deployed also have to match the soiling type, common degreasing with Degreaser-2.2 > Acidifier-2.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system and typically general soiling is removed first with Prep-4.4 > CleanSude-3.8 > RinseSuede-3.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system with continuous other matching specialty products system as necessary - see Suede (S.n) Napa Suede Problem Solving Instruction matrix chart above. Colloidal water movement plays an important role in penetrated deep stain removal and is chiefly done by the working of the Hydrator-3.3. The suspended soiling particulates are float to the surface to be wet towel extracted and dry brushed or erased off the surface. These wet and dry removals are repeated until towel shows clean and erasing with brushing removed resurface soiling. With inspection satisfaction the suede need to be soften up again for suppleness with Hydrator-3.3 > Fatliquor-5.0 Hydrator-3.3 system and finished with Protector-S for a “finger writing effect”. Instruction: 1- The leather is hydrated with Hydrator-3.3, depending on the depth of penetrated stain for up to 72hours recommended to moves the soiling upwards. 2- To maintain a consistent moisture level, the suede in question may be seal in container or plastic wrapping with periodic inspection and continuous topping up with Hydrator-3.3. 3- The suspended soiling is extracted by squeezing between an absorbent towel and a smooth spatula to reduce abrasion until towel shows clean. 4- Leave to slow natural drying process, when crispy dry, erase with LeatherEraser-4 and brush with SuedeNapaBrush-2 for inspection, otherwise repeat the above process. 5- With satisfaction the suede is soften up for suppleness with Hydrator-3.3 > Fatliquor-5.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system. 6- Dry soiling removal and proceed to protection with Protector-S.

9- Suede (napa) Stiffness - How to Soften? Stiffness of structure and nap are fibers structure that becomes stick together when suede commonly gets wet and dry again. When suede becomes wet and is exposed to intense heat will stiff out the suede considerably more than if they are slow dried naturally. Water or liquid that has a pH value higher than its pH neutral of 3 - 5 will cause the fatliquor (fat and oil) to leach out and the higher the pH value the stiffer the suede will be. Higher pH exposure will denature the suede and may be detected by hand with tackiness or sliminess when wet. Softening suede with Hydrator-3.3 > Fatliquor-5.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system comes after matching level of cleaning and pH balancing with Acidifier-2.0 as necessary. Instruction: 1- Hydrator-3.3 is sprayed, brushed and cotton terry towel extracted for an even appearance until towel shows clean. 2- Depending on the severity of stiffness the suede is saturated and cling wrapped or put into a plastic container to control evaporation and leave to dwell for up to 72hrs. 3- During in-between inspection, the suede is towel extracted of resurface soiling until towel shows clean and Hydrator-3.3 top-up until a little moisture oozes out when press between fingers and thumb and continue to dwell to relax any stiffness. 4- The final inspection is to work by stretching, massaging or staking and brushing to restore softness and towel extract until towel shows clean and while still damp proceed to fatliquoring. 5- Fatliquoring is the replenishing of its original fat and oil with each cycle the water contents (5/6 or 83.33%) evaporates until saturated or reach about 14% (fat and oil) content when dry. 6- Any sticky residue that remain on its surface is brushed into the structure with a light spray of Hydrator-3.3 until any milky residue turns crystal clear and leave to slow natural dry. 7- Before it is fully dried, the suede is again massaged, staked or flexed to complete dry for desired softness.

10- Suede (napa) Tackiness or Sliminess - How to Restore? Suede tackiness or sliminess is the result of alkaline over exposure. An example is any liquid that contains ammonia. Suede protein fiber is an amphoteric material and any pH value above 5 will cause the shifting its value to negative (-ve). However, its tanning agents is non-amphoteric thus remains ionic negative (-ve). Behaving like a magnet “like poles repel” the tanning agents breaks hydrogen bond and leaches out. To revert the ionic attraction between the tanning agents and the protein suede fiber will require Acidifier-2.0 a low pH value of 2.0. The alkalinity has to be neutralized and brought over to the acidic side of the pH scale. The protein fiber has to be charged ionic positive (+ve) to attract the fugitive ionic negative (-ve) tanning agents to restore the tackiness or sliminess. A holistic approach would include a general cleaning with CleanSuede-3.8 > RinseSuede-3.0 system prior to tackiness or sliminess control with Acidifier-2.0 system. When it improves or stop, the suede has to be soften up with Hydrator-3.3 > Fatliquor-5.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system to impart suppleness when dry. Protection is by Protector-S and is finished with a “finger writing effect” with LeatherEraser-4 and SuedeNapaBrush-2. Instruction: 1- General cleaning starts with CleanSuede-3.8 > RinseSuede-3.0 system, otherwise see cleaning system that matches severity of soiling from Suede (S.n) Napa Suede Problem Solving Instruction matrix chart above. 2- Acidifier-2.0 is applied to saturate the thickness of the suede and a cotton terry towel is used to extract any soiling until towel shows clean. 3- The suede is again saturated to its thickness and leave to slow drying. 4- Inspect with finger testing for tackiness and re-apply Acidifier-2.0 and towel extract until towel shows clean, repeat as necessary until satisfaction. 5- Treatment ends with satisfaction, otherwise repeat 2-, 3- and 4- above. 6- A holistic successful tackiness treatment include softening its suppleness with Hydrator-3.3 > Fatliquor-5.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system and follows with Protection-S to impart a silky-feel and a “finger writing effect” with SuedeNapaBrush-2 and LeatherEraser-4.

11- Suede (napa) Crushed Nap and Dent Mark - How to Restore? Crushed nap is nap that has been compressed that lay stiff flat reflecting light in one direction as seen as a lighter sheen effect. Dents may be detected when we run our finger across. Restoring the dent and crush nap is by relaxing both the nap and the suede structure with Hydrator-3.3. Generally, the entire bag is work out to produce an even appearance as both the Hydrator-3.3 and the Fatliquor-5.0 will affect the appearance with a much richer tone as the structure dormant dyestuff is activated at the same time and resurface anew. Fatliquor-5.0 to soften up the suede structure and nap will also magnify the color saturation anew. Prior to restoring the dent and crushed nap, the suede is pre-cleaned with CleanSuede-3.0 > RinseSuede-3.0 system. LeatherEraser-4 is used both in wet cleaning and dry soil removing when dry. After restoring the dent and crushed nap, Protector-S is applied to shield against sticky soiling and impart a silky-feel that also facilitates in grooming the nap with SuedeNapaBrush-2 for a “finger writing effect”. The holistic suede-safe crushed nap and dent mark restoration process is as follows . . . Instruction: 1- Dry Soil removing with LeatherEraser-4 using the sponge side for general cleaning and the crepe side for heavy soiling. 2- Suspended soiling is brush off with SuedeNapaBrush-2 and ready for wet cleaning. 3- CleanSuede-3.8 is spray to wet out the entire bag without leaving an exposed dry surface. 4- It is then work with the sponge side of the LeatherEraser-4 in combination with the SuedeNapaBrush-2 and use a cotton terry towel to extract until towel shows clean. 5- Any bleeding is control with SuedeRinse-3.0 in the rinsing process until towel shows clean, excessive bleeding if any is further control with Acidifier-2.0. 6- Concentration on working out the dent and crushed nap greatly depends on the working power of the Hydrator-3.3. 7- Hydrator-3.3 is sprayed to saturate the thickness of the suede sufficiently with a little moisture oozing out when press between fingers and thumb. 8- It is then put into an air-tight container for control evaporation and let to dwell up to 72hrs. 9- Bag is inspected periodically for working moisture content level, topping it up as necessary and brush to relaxed and stretched out the nap. 10- With satisfaction, the bag is towel extracted until towel shows dry. 11- Fatliquoring to soften up the suede when dry begins with the application of Fatliquor-5.0. 83.33% or 5/6 of water contents will need to evaporate in each drying cycle leaving only the fat and oil in the suede structure to impart suppleness. Predetermine how much need to be applied and complete the entire content with repeat cycle of application. 12- The fatliquored bag is left to slow drying in each cycle and the last is check for surface remnants by misting Hydrator-3.3 and brush to check for milky appearance. 13- Any milky appearance is work out until its crystal clear, to eliminate potential soil attraction. 14- The bag is left to slow dry again and may be brush from almost dry to dry from resurface soiling and for extra softness both to the structure and the nap. 15- With satisfaction the process continues with Protector-S, otherwise repeat the above relevant treatment. 16- Protector-S or S+ is applied with a mist spray and brush for appearance. 17- when dry brush and groom again for a fine “finger writing effect”.

12- Suede (napa) Approximate Quantity or Percentage of Fatliquor Required: The quantities of fatliquor (fat and oil) contents retained in the suede after an universal tannery fatliquoring process may varies up from 14% to 16% depending on the suede types and it usage. This percentage drops as the fat and oil content diminishes or leaches through ageing, water, heat or chemical overexposure. Suede softening, rejuvenating or fatliquoring is base on weight of the suede in relation to the percentage of remaining fatliquor. A simple calculation of percentage of fatliquor topping up requirement would be as follows: If the weight of the suede in question is 100gm and fatliquor (fat and oil) content and meter reading is less than 1%. By applying 80gm of Fatliquor-5.0 to it will deliver an end result incremental of 13.3% fatliquor when dry as the 66.6% water contents evaporates. In the suede softening or rejuvenating Hydrator-3.3 > Fatliquor-5.0 > Hydrator-3.3 system, Hydrator-3.3 plays an important role by relaxing, opening up the inter-fibrillary spaces, facilitating and redistributing colloidal water movement, protonating and doing all the pre-conditioning work prior to fatliquoring including cleaning up any excess surface remnants to have a sticky-free surface. In practice with severe dryness the ratio for Hydrator-3.3 is 2 to 1 of Fatliquor-5.0. It works out to be approximately 160gm of Hydrator-3.3 plus 80gm of Fatliquor-5.0 to replenish a 100gm dry leather from less than 1% back to the original tannery up from 14% to 16% fatliquor content. In every bottle of Fatliquor-5.0 by weight content is comprises of 16.66% ionic negative (-ve) charged fat and oil, and 83.33% of water, the water content that encased the fat and oil molecule in an emulsion suspension when hydrogen bond with the ionic positive (+ve) suede protein fiber will break free and discharged clear from the suede structure to the surface. Instruction: 1- Warm-up and shake well to a full emulsion for better penetration. 2- Apply Fatliquor-5.0 and redistribute by brushing until saturation. 3- Repeat applications each time water contents evaporate until fully saturated. 4- Brushing remaining surface remnants free of milky fat and oil until it turns clear with Hydrator-3.3. 5- Allowing the suede to slow natural drying for extra softness. 6- Suppleness of suede is further stake or massage or flex accordingly with a little wet back with Hydrator-3.3. Caution: Insufficient fatliquoring (fat and oil) content may suffer cracking from staking, massaging or flexing. Tips: 1- When crispy dry, prior surface contaminations/damages may darkens as soiling particulates resurface. 2- Remove soiling particulates with LeatherEraser-4 for napa suede and SuedeEraser-5 for split suede. 3- Stretching the darken areas lightly will also lightens the appearance.

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