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Suede Care Kit

Suede Care Kit

Suede Degreaser Kit S5.dr

Suede Degreaser Kit S5.dr

Leather Doctor Suede Care Kit comes in a variety of leather-safe system kits to handle common problems derived from greasy, sweaty to accumulative soiling; water stains, body oil, grease, and sweat stain, dye transfer stain, ballpoint-ink stain, protein stains, tannin-based stain, tarnish-based stain, blood stain, urine stain, chewing gum, and fatty spew stain; bacteria odor, mold odor, urine odor, sweaty odor, and smoke odor; sun-fading, and tackiness are available.

Sunfading is a common issue for suede, and the dormant dyestuff within the structure may be activated with hydration to resurface. It is like reactivating tea leaves with hot water to bring out the color, and in suede, Hydrator-3.3 is used. Fatliquoring that follows to recondition leather dryness also increases its color intensity with Fatliquor-5.0.

Suede in upholstery making is typically the second layer of an adult animal where the leather is slid to its desired thickness, known as split-suede. These leathers would have both sides suede, and the finer side with a higher density is usually used on the outside. 

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