Product Overview
Sheepskin Wool Rinse 4.0 by Leather Doctor pH 4.0 rinses suspended soiling and pH balances wool skin, shearling, and sheepskin to a healthy, squeaky feel.
It neutralizes and stabilizes the wool protein fiber pH chemistry integrity and strengthens when dried.
It is recommended after cleaning with Wool 5.5.
1: Concentrate is to be mixed with distilled water 1: 40 before use.
2: Spray, brush, and towel extract suspended soiling until it shows clean.
3: Groom and let dry naturally or blow dry accordingly.
4: When crispy and dry, groom again with a slick comb for a bloom.
Non-Stick, Rub-Resistant Wool Conditioning:
Use Conditioner S
Updated November 10, 2024 by Roger Koh.