Nubuck Degreaser 2.2

Leather Doctor®

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$12.95 - $89.95
0.150 KGS
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Product Overview

Nubuck Degreaser 2.2 by Leather Doctor is a pH2.2 degreaser for body oil, grease, and sweat common on headrests, armrests, seats, collars, cuffs, and handles. 

Degreaser 2.2 is water-based with dye bleeding control for degreasing sensitive Nubuck of penetrated oil, grease, and sweat stains from the skin and hair contact, without further drying out as solvent products do.


1: Dry Soil Removal.

1.1: Dry soil is removed with brushes and erasers accordingly before Degreaser 2.2 application.

1.2: Nylon brushes are used for general wet and dry cleaning.

1.3: Eraser 4 friction rub removes sticky soiling and deteriorating dry rotting naps.

1.4: Nubuck after erasing is vacuumed accordingly before degreasing.

2: Nubuck Degreaser 2.2.

Degreaser 2.2 works best with Rinse 3.0 to rinse surface soiling or Acidifier 2.0 for penetrating alkaline soiling. Hydrator 3.3 structural saturation further helps to release and move suspended soiling by squeezing over a highly absorbent cotton towel until the towel is clean. Degreased remaining suspended soiling is further removed by saturation and allows wicking by reverse transfer through tight surface contact with Towel 5. Removing penetrated soiling off the surface will require penetration, suspension, and extraction by Degreaser 2.2, Acidifier 2.0, and Hydrator 3.3 system.

2.1: Degreaser 2.2 is shaken until complete gels before use.

2.2: Saturate to reach the penetrated stain with a brush and eraser and extract with a dry absorbent towel until clean. 

2.3: Re-apply and allow dwelling 5 to 60 minutes or before it dries for a complete soiling suspension and towel extract until it shows clean.

3: Nubuck Rinse 3.0

3.1: Suspended soiling is rinsed with Rinse 3.0.

3.2: Towel extract until the new fold shows clean and dry.

4: Nubuck Acidifier 2.0

4.1: Tackiness from alkaline overexposure is neutralized and pH balanced with Acidifier 2.0.

4.2: Acidifier 2.0 is applied to saturate penetrated soiling and towel extract until clean, and extra structural suspended soiling is removed with Hydrator 3.3.

5: Nubuck Hydrator 3.3

5.1: Penetrated soiling is deeply cleaned and removed with Hydrator 3.3.

5.2: Hydrator 3.3 further saturates penetrated soiling and towel extract until the new folded towel side shows clean.

5.3: Extra extraction is repeated with indirect squeezing through a dry towel with an appropriate spatula or a tablespoon until the towel shows clean and lets naturally dry to inspect for satisfaction.

People Also Ask:

1: How to Remove Nubuck Penetrated Soiling with Reverse-Transfer Technique?

2: How to Restore Nubuck Softness and Strength?

3: What is Nubuck Optimum Fatliquor Content?

4: What is the Nature of Nubuck?

5: What is Nubuck-Safe Degreasing?

1: How to Remove Nubuck Penetrated Soiling with Reverse-Transfer Technique?

The structure is further saturated with Hydrator 3.3 and Towel 5 is wet-stretch out with a soft brush to void air space and let dry naturally. When the towel is crispy and dry peeling off removes the wicked soiling.  

2: How to Restore Nubuck Softness and Strength?

After soiling and stains are removed to satisfaction, it is dampened to relax with Hydrator 3.3, fatliquoring with Fatliquor 5.0, and cleaning up surface dry residue with Hydrator 3.3.

3: What is Nubuck Optimum Fatliquor Content?

Optimum fat liquor (fat and oil) moisture content in healthy nubuck is up to an average of 14% when read with a leather moisture meter. Existing dryness, fading, and dry rotting are magnified when fat liquor moisture content falls below 7%.

4: What is the Nature of Nubuck?

Nubuck is hydrophilic and oleophilic and easily absorbs body contact oil, grease, and sweat. Penetrated and prolonged soiling contamination with high sweat content tends to denature Nubuck and manifests as tackiness, a darkening effect from fugitive tanning agents, a white blotchy effect from fugitive fat, and is common with dye-bleeding.

5: What is Nubuck-Safe Degreasing?

Nubuck-safe degreasing is accomplished by charging the amphoteric protein fiber ionic positive (+ve) based on the tannery science and logical approach to effective degreasing without side effects. With a deep non-hazardous, non-toxic degreasing, pH-sensitive Nubuck is reverted from denaturing into tacky rawhide. Degreasing at a low pH2.2 below the average iso-electric point or pH neutral of nubuck revitalizes the ionic attraction. The amphoteric protein fiber returns to its ionic positive (+ve) attraction towards the negative (-ve) constituents including the tanning agent, dyestuff, and fat liquor. As suspended contamination is rinsed with Acidifier 2.0, the Nubuck returns to a healthy squeak with reduced dye bleeding in a nubuck-safe water-based system. Nubuck retains its softness without leaching out of its original fat and oil common with a dry solvent system.

Edited on April 27 & December 26, 2024,  by Roger Koh.



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