Product Overview
Leather Aniline Wax Pull-up Urine Odor Killer - by Leather Doctor is formulated to decontaminate urine problems. Aged urine is detectable with its characteristic ammonic odor. The presence of ammonic odor may indicate the shifting of pH value up to 10. The leather will most likely feel sticky or slimy with wet finger testing it. This stickiness is a sign of leather denaturing and reverting to rawhide. pH balance to stabilize the denaturing leather is rectify with CleanUrine-1.5 follows with Acidifier-2.0 rinse. Urine decontamination is treated with KillUrine-2.1 and thereafter clean with Clean-3.8 and Rinse-3.0 accordingly. At this stage, the leather should feel squeaky after returning to its chemistry integrity of pH 3 - 5. Stiff leather is relaxed and sticks together fiber separated by Hydrator-3.3. The penetrated stain removing process continues with hydrating prior to fat and oil replenishing with leather scented LeatherEraser-4 is used to removed suspended dry soiling particular during the wet cleaning and dry preparation process. Wax Effect-8.6 rejuvenates the structural wax pull-up effect and coagulates a cloudy waxy coating on the surface to be heat activated into the characteristic glossy sheen. The surface wear of the leather is greatly reduced with a rub-resistant Protector-D+ that enhances a non-stick draggy-feel to shield against sticky soiling, besides healing and concealing lightening scuff and abrasion marks. Note that the mentioned products suffix numbers denotes its pH value in this holistic approach for aniline wax pull-up leathers urine decontamination process.
When the finishes topcoat is damaged and look dull then the hidden original it would require a new gloss finishing with AnilineTop-76G as add on to this kit -
When color need to restore, send us a color sample for a color matching - and order accordingly in either Aniline-21 - or in Aniline-76 -
This kit comes with reduced weight to save on shipping thus all the concentrates in the bottles have to be cut/mix and fills up with distilled water prior to use.
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