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Pigmented Leather Care Kit

Pigmented Leather Care Kit

Leather Pigmented Care Kit P3

Leather Pigmented Care Kit P3

Leather Doctor Pigmented Leather Care Kit comes in a variety of leather-safe system kits to handle common problems derived from greasy, sweaty to accumulative soiling; water stains, body oil, grease, and sweat stain, dye transfer stain, ballpoint-ink stain, protein stains, tannin-based stain, tarnish-based stain, blood stain, urine stain, chewing gum, and fatty spew stain; bacteria odor, mold odor, urine odor, sweaty odor, and smoke odor; sun-fading, and tackiness are available.

 Although pigmented leather is the best stain resistant among all leather types, dye transfer stains from blue jeans are one common problem. A Leather Doctor breakthrough method to remove dye stains like ballpoint ink or dye transfer stain is the 'reverse transferring' technique using Prep-7.7 and Dye Cleaner-7.9 system approach without using unnecessary physical agitation that may further cause finishes damages.

Pigmented leather is identified to be known as painted, protected, or finished leather.  A pigmented finish has important hiding power properties so one cannot see through the imperfection. A pigmented leather finish system comprises an adhesion coating, color coating, and a top coating. Types and qualities differ from very fine to heavy application to match the different grades of leather. The overall quality of pigmented leather depends on the leather crust derived from such as full-grain, top-grain, and corrected-grain. 

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